Meet Jamie
Weʼre raising £150 to support the scout group
When you’re part of the Scouting movement, it doesn’t matter who or what you are, everyone is given the chance to play, participate, learn and contribute. Whether it is learning how to make a campfire or clearing up rubbish on the banks of the Thames, Scouts discover the world and help make it a better place. Jamie is a member of 1st New Cross (The Greys) Scouts and they’ve been helping him since the age of 6, and other boys and girls from New Cross and Deptford, be the best they can be since they were set in 1908.
During the pandemic, it wasn’t possible to meet and any fund-raising activity had to stop. However, there was still the Scout Hut to maintain and keep safe. Even in good times, Scouting isn’t as popular as it used to be because we’ve become a different kind of society (and that’s perhaps not entirely for the better). And Scouts can only be accessible to everyone if the subs are kept really low, especially in areas like this, so it won’t be a surprise to learn that money is getting really tight. This has bothered Jamie and so he wants to help the Scouts and see if he can raise some funds and ease some of these worries for them. He wants to do this because they have stood by him and helped him learn and achieve things he could never have done otherwise.
Jamie’s in training to run for the Run or Dye event. Yes, he can run and yes, he’ll have fun. But he has his eye on being fast and focussed, being the best he can be. He wants to be the best he can be for the Scouts. Jamie hopes to find 20 kind people who would give him £5 to help make him fast and focussed so that he can raise £150 for the Scouts to help them keep going and help other kids like him. If you could toast Jamie’s success in this way, it’s less than the cost of a glass of wine. The sense of achievement and motivation for him will give you value many times over and you’ll be helping a little band of young people keeps going with learning about their local world and how to make it just that little bit better.
Thank you for helping Jamie see the value of kindness and helping others. It’s really appreciated.