Scout Sailing Course With The Ahoy Centre
In the autumn term 2019, 18 cubs and scouts went down to the Ahoy Centre Charity, down the road in Deptford, to complete their Royal Yachting Association Stage 1 Course across 2 days.
After getting kitted out in their wellies, waterproofs, and buoyancy aids, the Scouts were introduced to basic safety and sailing skills, before climbing aboard 4 sailing boats awaiting them on the Thames.
They took a trip downriver with their instructors and although the conditions were flat and calm, the sun was shining and they were able to do a fine job demonstrating their newfound skills. New Scouts were invested on the Thames foreshore – welcome to the Scout section Ferran, Blessing, George, and Arthur.
On the second day, the conditions were very wet, but the Scouts still took it all in their stride out on the river. We returned to the ahoy center, where the fantastic instructors presented RYA Stage 1 Sailing certificates.
Well done team 1st New Cross!
A big thanks to our fantastic volunteers for giving up their time (and annual leave!) to support the scouts over the two days, and to the Ahoy center for giving us the opportunity to learn to sail on our very own river Thames.
Written by Katie Sturgess