World Scout Jamboree
We are proud to announce that 5 Scouts have been selected to attend the World Scout Jamboree, Korea 2023. The adventure begins!
Alex, Imogen, Jake, Kayla and Noah are so excited to have been chosen. Alex, Imogen and Noah are with Unit 33, Thames Tigers, South London Scouts and Kayla and Jake are with Unit 61, M.I.61, a South London and Hampshire unit. The fundraising has begun and all participants are working hard.
In Summer 2023, more than 40,000 Scouts from all over the world will gather in Korea for the 25 World Scout Jamboree. It happens every four years, each time hosted by a different country. It will be held from 1 to 12 August in 2023 in SaeManGeum, Jeollabuk-do, Korea.
It’s not just our young members who are off on an adventure, Matt has been selected as a Unit Leader for Unit 33, and Katie, Roderick and Lilly have been selected for the International Service Team.